when my son was 6 1/2 he was diagnosed with central prec puberty. he started taking the lupron depot shots once a month. he gets his hormone level and bone scan every 3 months. every 3 months they increased the dosage because it was not slowing him down to the level of a 6-7 year old. my son is now 8 and 2 months ago the doctors said that he is at the right level. he has to get 1 shot every 3 weeks. these shots are not cheap. $1300.00 a pop!!!! luckly my insurance pays for most of it. the other thing i noticed in my son is his ever changing attitude. sometimes he is acting like 8 years old and then all of a sudden he is acting like a teenager. i can tell the difference and so can his teacher. anyway my story could go on forever with everything my son and i have gone through. if anyone would like to ask me anything, i would be more than happy to try to help. sue