I underwent a LAUP (laser uvuloplasty) two weeks ago and it has changed my life. You should seek out a quality ENT Doc who specializes in this stuff. I have found that many Docs don't really understand what apnea is all about and- if they don't suffer from it, they have little clue as to how it affects the daily lives of sufferers. I considered the CPAP machine but didn't want to sleep with a machine. The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty ( along word and very painful surgical removal of the uvula, tonsils etc seemed too invasive. The LAUP removes the ulvula and some other soft tissue and results in about 10-12 days of pain, but it has literally changed my life, my brain, my outlook etc etc. Look into it. Brian Get the book, The promise of Sleep and check out a specialist nearby you. B