Dear Esther: Thanks for sharing that information w us here. First of all I am very sorry to hear what happenned to your nephew and his parents. I have a son who is 9 yrs old and has been diagnosed w "infantile autism" as well. If your nephew was diagnsed w "infantile autism", I do not see any connection between "shaken baby syndrome" and autism. There are children like my son who had never been dealt in a mean way or shaken up, still has a diagnosis of Autism. Autism is a genetic disorder. Shaken baby syndrome could have created acute/ immediate devastating effect on a very young child, like your nephew and put him in a hospital right away. It was wrong to be shaken that way. But my point is that autism occurs whether you shake a kid or not! It is a life long disability w no current methods of treatments to cure it. Who is taking care of him now? Is he in an "out of home" placement or lives w some one at home? Please respond, if you can. Good luck.