My daughter had a febril seizure last week. She is 10 months old and I had just returned from her doctor when I placed her on her bed. I was out of the room for 1 min when I saw her jerking on the bed. I had never heard of this disorder before but I relized it had to be something to do with her fever. While the inside of me was in a panic, I did have the sense to remove her clothing and wrap her in a cold towel and cool water on her forehead to bring her fever down. She came out of it within 30sec. She cried which for me was a wonderful sound. All the time I was on the phone with my doctor and she told me that this did occur because of the fever spike. After she slept for 3 hours she woke up and was her smiling playful self again. A week has past and there is no lasting effects in her development. All I know now is that the next time she gets a fever, I will react to it much differently