Only if the child has the sap a resin oil substance from the poison. Once the oil is cleaned off its ok. Again, unless the oil is on his clothing, shoes (leave tracks wherever the oil touches)or other things you can't get it from him. The oil can live on whatever it come into contact with (tools, gloves, pets, etc) for over a year it must be cleaned with soapy water. We recently moved to a wood area. Yep, I have poison everywhere including me. So have been doing a lot of research especially -what the big 3 look like in spring, summer, fall & winter. We have hired help clearing it out and will be spraying a lot of round up. Even the dead ivy still has the oil on it, must bury it or bag it, very carefully. Can find poison in ground covering, trees, srub like forms, etc. check out some of links on healthusa, lots of good info and color pictures, it was well worth it. Even presented the literature to my Dr for treatment. Pam Spurgeon