Linda Spears
I am very interested in learning more about Prolo Therapy. What exactly are in the injections and will it help me? My OI was 10 years ago is that too long of a time laps? I have had four major back surgery with instrumentation and fusion. The pain that I have is in the Lower back and SI joint and radiculopathy pain in the right leg. I have been jumping through hoops for Pain Medicine MD's. I been put through psychological testing, Rehabilitation Clinic for 6 weeks, numerous Cortisone injections, Epidural Steriod Injections, and so much mind altering medication that I cannot list. I currently am withdrawing from Methadone. I was placed on this drug from ---- by my doctor (90mg a day). He is no longer my MD because I am taking mysel off of it. If something like this would help, I would consider it a Gift from God. Please advise.