I would recommend YOU NOT DRINK OLIVE OIL mixtures. Your gall bladder is not working right and you can not digest fats. animal fats and likely any other oil or fat. read previous post from some who have tried it. YOU will puke your brains out and many get direaha at the same time. Get the gall bladder taken out! IF you have stones and IF you wait.. Small stones could go back into the duct and end up in your liver! That can be bad. While waiting...don't eat offensive foods. Don't eat much meat and NO animal fat. lower white bread or potatoes.. no butter..ABSOLUTELY NO DAIRY.. (maybe a very little amt of lactose free milk) NO will make you hurt... carbonated drinks make you hurt..especially dark ones. if you are really sick.. water and fruit only diet for a day or two might help.. lots of tums rolaids..prilesec to keep that acid down... it can damage your stomach and esophogas