Erin, ditto on sharing your suffering on Chronic Sinusitis! At this moment I have a nausiating headache and fatigue. I have also been on numerous anit-biotics. I chose not to have the surgery, given everyone I spoke to who has had it has returning symptoms. I decided to try alternative treatments. I found accupuncture and/or Chiropractic has helped trememdously!! I no longer take any pills as freely for the pain as I used to. I still get headaches occasionally, (like today in in cold damp weather). However, the headaches are very mild compared to what they used to be. I used to have ear infections every couple of weeks. I haven't had one for a year! I am replying to your letter, only seeing it today for the first time. I haven't been to the chiropractor in a few months. So, today, I do have a sinus headache and need to go very soon! I only go 1-2 times per month. I can tell you again Erin that this has helped very, very much! Good Luck! Sincerely, a "Sinus Sufferer" who understands!