My brother died from Marfan Syndrome in 1980. He was a tall,(6'9") 19 year old basketball player, who collapsed and died his first day of college. At the time, the Dr.'s thought it was a blood clot which was the result of his recent torn ankle ligament (he was always tearing or pulling ligaments). A friend of our family who just happened to be a cardiologist was in on the autopsy and diagnosed (after investigation) Marfan's Syndrome. Now, my son, who is 13, tall, has same physical features as my brother and has had some ADHD issuesin the past, is being referred to a genetisist for testing. Is this the only way to test for Marfan's? I know of some of the symptoms, but would like to be informed more about them. My son is very athletic (baseball, and basketball), and I am very concerned.