Hello. I hope this info isn't too late.I have been recently diagnosed within the last 6 months w/ urticaria pigmentosa, the cutaneous and broader form of mastocytosis. Although I have the cutaneous form of this blood disorder, i have experienced almost all of the symptoms of the systemic(organ) form. They are anaphylactic shock(I carry 2 Epi-Pens and benadryl w/me), hot flahes, irritability,muscle;joint;and bone pain, chronic fatigue, dizziness, lightheaded, diarrhea,abdominal cramping,facial flushing where I turn red with blotches all over my face, neck,chest,and back areas for many reasons(the flush of histamines being released),memory loss, difficulty in concentrating, headaches;sometimes almost unbearable, difficulty sleeping, weight loss.I'm on Gastrocrom,Ranitidine,andHydroxyzine.