I, too, was diagnoised with Polymyositis.I have had this for 2 years. I consider myself lucky to have been diagnoised,as I doctored for 7 years and they couldn't find out what was wrong. I am on a med. called Methotrexate, which seems to be working out OK. They tried HGIV which gave me blood clots. Every body reacts differently to medications until the dosage is regulated. You are frightened about all this until you can learn to live with it. Luckily I am retired, so I am able to do Water Therapy and Massage. Both seem to help as your muscles need stretching and the 95` water seems to help relax them. I might add, fatigue plays a very big part in my life. I do sleep about 2 extra hours each day, as I get very tired. Good luck to you, as I do know how you are feeling.