Dr. Venugopal Gouri
The skin condition is predominantly due to your tendency for dry skin. It leads to thickness, roughness and itching of certain portions of skin on the body. It can lead to rawness and scaliness and thereby slight oozing due to secondary infection or rawness due to scratching. This could get worse due to particular season too. Since the skin is dry it is most likely to be psoriasis or Dry Eczema. Homeopathic Medicine has excellent remedies like Sulph, Sarsaparilla, Merc sol, Petroleum, Staphysagria, Mezereum etc. to alleviate the dryness, itching, scaliness and rawness of the affected area and also preventing further episodes with treatment over a period of time. I am sure Homeopathic Medicine would be of help to you. Dr.Venugopal Gouri.