Please contact me before you have surgery. My father had TN for over 20 years. I watched him suffer horribly with it. All his activities stopped. No golfing, no gardening, nothing. Then he was introduced to someone who told him about a procedure called the Gamma Knife. He went to the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa and had this nonevasive procedure done. That was in November, and he has been pain free since. He just went for a 6 month check up and they can't believe he is doing so well. They have a 98% success rate with this procedure. Please, if you have any questions email me and I will answer them as quickly as I can. In fact, my mom and dad have submitted their story to a TN support group to be published in their next newsletter. I can have them contact you so they can give you first hand information. They really believe in this and will share any info they have with anyone who suffers from this horrible condition. God Bless you Cindy