Many have asked about the list of herbs my daughter used after her stroke as a result of lupus. I cannot email anyone cause I don't have anyones email address. If you would like a list of the herbs she used I will be more than happy to send them to you. My daughter did regain full controll after being paralized from a stroke. The lupus caused many other problems including her blood to thicken. She was on about 6 different drugs by the time she left the hospital. She is now on 1 which is very low dosage. We are working together now through research to get her off that one too. I love it when we go to the doctor. He just asks her, "what are you doing?" She tells him and he only responds with, "Well, I guess it works for you." Most doctors will not acknowledge the fact that herbs do work even when so many patients are now turning to them and getting healthier. Kinda gets to me. Anyway, I will be more than happy to help anyone who wishes the list. I do hope all of you luck and may God Bless.