Hi,I'm going on my 5th Chemotherapy Cycle with Lymphoma/Low grade/Phase 4. Depending on your disease and Chemotherapy you need to ask specifically from your doctor what you can and cannot do and eat,I believe this very impotant until you know the whole story with yourself. My Doctor, said I may do almost anything exercise,massage or any outdoor activities as long,as my Blood Counts are high enough. I'm in very good health normally..I'm so greatfull for that! Exercise was just fine with him,but I must get enough sleep, eat well and he has said exercise helps the body to keep up with the Chemo so to speak and you just feel better too, after even a lite work out. This is especially impotant during the lull or possiblly LOW BLOOD COUNT TIME. This LULL time for me is about 14 days after each Chemo Cycle of 21 days between each cycle. Also Very Important..NO DENTAL WORK below the GUM LINE should be done without first checking with your doctor. This is because of being in contact with your blood,infection and low blood counts. I'm sure you are doing alot of reading on this whole subject. Do check in to Support Groups through your doctor's office or hospital.. there are other people out there going through the same situation as yourself! I eat better foods (less junk food or fast food,I stay away from too much FATTY foods or high in saturated fats and the fried crap. I eat much more fruits and vegetables daily,more water daily.. ..less soda or pop and of course protein, protein is very important, whether from meats, nuts or other. Also, Very Very Important,check in with GOD, your Pastor and Church. Well enough for now. Drop a line if you want to talk. God Bless You! Ron