Christa Mauelshagen
Below is the response I received from a friend of mine, whose husband went through agony for years with constant biopsies which scarred and shrunk his bladder so badly, eventually causing severe incontinance. His new doctor, after moving to another city, could not believe how bad it had become. My suggestion would be to get at least another urologists opinion if these constant biopsies are really needed. A second opinion could not hurt. ---------------------- QUOTE from my friend: ... he had bladder cancer which was under control with chemo therapy . I still feel though that Dr H. over-treated him with constent biopsy's which scarred and shrunk his bladder . The uralogist we had here just checked his urine for cancer cells and gave him a cystoscopy only once a year and could not understand why his bladder was so scarred, but as you know one doctor will not say anything negative about another doctor. Well, anyway it did not kill him, at the end it was congestive heartfailure . ... end of quote.