for goodness sake! it sounds as tho is possible her hernia has ruptured or become worse! According 2 many doctors hernias themselves may at times be difficult to find, took them 3 years to find mine. I would by ALL means find the answers given her Unacceptable., The cuase of the pain should be found. Of course her bowel movements would be effected due to pain. Sometimes a top gastroenterologist is what is needed if not a top general surgeon. At such a severe stage in her condition could you not find the name of what is to be considered a TOP OF THE LINE and progressive hospital itself and go to THEIR emergency room so that a stay there would bring about examinations by a higher calibur of doctors? U have to ask around so many places and people if u do not know what is considered to be the best of the best of hospitals in your area as welll as the best doctors. cheers and much Love and sympathy to yourselves. xx