I have had high cholestrol for last several years and found the following naturel ways to help bring it under control. You will need to work with the proper amount of each of the following until you see what works best for you. Try the following and give yourself about 4-6 months and like everyone else I have shared this with they now have their cholestrol under control. Here goes: 1) Red Yeast Rice 2) CoQ10 and 3) Artichoke Oil. Now for a few pointers, you can check these out at your Naturel Food Store Chains. This will cost some bucks but Naturel is best and the cheaper you go with price will give you the cheaper product. And I have expermented alot with different sources and the more pure form is the better. I feel super, my Doctor is convinced and I don't have to take any perscription drugs which have alot of side effects and I don't believe they are good for you anyways. Good luck.......