karen W.
After reading your post,I can say your Husband needs a sleep study. For one, when he is snoring and being so restless at night, he really is not getting a good nights sleep. He probably feels tired allot. My son had sleep apnea years ago, he stopped breathing 54 times during the sleep study, he would Stop breathing and then about a minute later grap for air. He had loud breathing, he always had dark circles under his eyes. They took out his touncles and his adnoids, They was adnoid tissue that grew in his sinus caviety. So they had some cleaning out to do but it worked, I was amazed, his sleep apenia was gone. He dose have relly bad allergies, so in the Fall when the rag weed is out, his breathing dose get loud. Also I was told by the Doctor that the sleep apenia was putting a stain on his heart, so I think you husband needs to be checked out. Karen