I'm 26 yrs. old and was diagnosed with AS 3yrs ago. When I was 20 yrs old, I started having major pain in my si joints. AND after3 yrs of test (mylogram, discogram, ct scans,physcial thearpy, steriod injections) A Doctorfinally took my blood and found the geneticmarker "HLA-B27" gene. I found a RX calledindocin(sp?) which releaves alot of my pain.But still every day even on the med. I havemuch discomfort. My main reason for writing:My husband and I desperatly want a child. Ihave to quit taking indocin because it harmsthe fetus. For over 2 weeks now I havent slept but a few hrs each night and Im in a lotof pain. I even have to use a walker at timesIf anyone can help please respond, how canI handle a pregnancy if I cant handle 2 weeksw/o med. How can I releve this awful pain??