I too had a hysterectomy the fall of 1992, like you I as well suffer from IBS, and have gone to numeruos doctors. I have noticed with myself that any type of stress irritates my system, thereby causing the IBS to flair up. I'm not a big breakfast eater but when I don't eat in the morning my stomach gets really upset. My main problem now is I'm always constipated and have diarreaha immedietely after, so I have to start all over again. There are a lot of foods that I still have to stay away from, but in the last couple of mos. I've been able to eat apples, tomatoes, raw vegetables but I can't eat these things every day, I have to keep them to a minimum. I have gone from 114Lbs in April of this year to my highest weight of 130Lbs today and I'm 5ft 7inches tall. As you may well know we people with IBS have a tough time keeping weight on. I have ended a few relationships because they made me sick, because of the stress. For the past 3 years I have been in the only healthy relationship of my life and I look forward to going back to school this winter. Life is much easier not having to fret about having a bathroom close to me every where I go. I don't know how full your life is but I do know what works for me.