Gilbert Aberg
Have rash like rash comes and goes. Had it for five years so far. Cortizone cream and hot pad stops the itching for hours. Rash only occurs at nite. Rash on legs follow acupuncture meridians....always come back to same spot in the area of a meridian.\ Been to three dermotogists, alergists and several medical doctors.. No answers. Found certain foods aggravate itch like most fresh fruits....if I cook them they don't cause itching. Rash from foods ia an intolerance because it takes as much as a day to get a reaction. Rash looks like small hives to me, however, rash on chest looks like herpes. Hydrozine HCL 10mgs when taken one after super and two before bed time permits me to sleep. It doesn't stop the rash but it dulls the senses so you do not feel the itching. If you want anymore info let me know.