Hi. I understand your predicament. I, however have no children. I did finally get SSI, and that may be a good route for you. I found an article on the net by a woman named Linnie Anne Moore, and it was most helpful in applying. I am so unoraganized now that I am surprised I could rememeber her name. So I can't give you the exact site location.I am still waiting for the SSDI decision. My understanding is that most people get turned down at first. I went in with about 2 inches of paperwork. Someone in Albany (NY) has to try to read all that stuff. Advantage to SSDI is that you can make somewhere in the neighborhood of $700/mo. in addition. After you wait about a year, so it looks good. I would call your local MS society and the nat'l headquarters for any info too. That number is 212-986-3240. Let me know how you make out, or if I may help you further...