I would like to ask what you all have done to get rid of this lice problem?From what I know to see a health nurs or pharmacy. there house bombs that kill lice you set them off and leave the house but do this first. buy the bombs and the shampoo take all you pillows, any laundry and bag it up stuffed animals, soak all brushes,combs,in very hot boiled water is good. shampoo allthe kids heads and comb good through the heads more than once a day. take all laundry and bedding and whatever else to the laundry mat and wash in very hot water and dry everything more than 3 times. after you have the kids out of the house set the bombs off. after words vacumm very well and always cahnge the bag cause it can come back out. spray stuffed animals good use blowdryer if have water and heat kills these eggs don't let anyon else in your house or let you kids stay over. vacumm furniture at least 3 times throughly. after you do all that sray all mattressand make sure to wash yourself and comb the hair good but not in the houseif you have pets ask you vet about them. they can carry it also.clean out your cars really good spray than vacumm good in them wash coats,hats Im very seriuos wash even if they are already clean.dont let the kids leave anything at school or friends cause you'll never solve this the combing outside for a week. check heads by a health nurse its free through the county at least once every other day. please try all of these things cause mayo does not work i guarntee this.