I am also an athlete and I have hypoglycemia. I'm 35 but I've had this problem since I was a teenager. It has gotten worse as an adult so I've been eating the following and it has made a big difference. I alternate between meal #1 and #2 during the day and eat 6 meals in all. Meal #1 includes 30 gm carbohydrates, 14 gm protein, and about 3 gm fats. Meal #2 includes 30gm carb, 7 gm protein, 3 gm fat. If I get hungry besides these 6 meals I eat protein. This way of eating has changed my life and has stabilized my blood sugar. I always eat a meal about 30 min before I exercise and have a snack, after 30-45 min of exercise. Then I eat after I'm done exercising. I also check my blood sugar before and after and sometimes during exercise if I'm exercising for a long time. I've got to stay away from junk food, sugar and chocolate. I had a dietician recommend this diet. She also gave me a booklet form the American Diabetes Association called Exchange Lists for Meal Planning. This has been very helpful too to figure out the proportions for each meal. I saw the dietician in my local hospital so you may be able to get one in your town. I think the key for your daughter is going to be snacking before, during, and after exercise. I also drink gatoraide while I'm exercising, this helps keep my blood sugar up to.