merle (uk)
I had pre cancerous cervix cells and declined the offer of surgery considering cancer to be a whole-body thing, and surgery didn't feel like the right thing for me. I tried cleansing my body by avoiding alcohol,tea, coffee, animal products and used herb teas for detox and fresh carrot juice (vitamin A is linked with cancer prevention). I kept it up for 6 months. Whether it helped or not I don't know, but I was glowing with health! My next smear result was worse than before, at the most severe level of dysplasia.Six months later I had another smear, this time preparing myself to have surgery if there was no improvement, but it had improve two stages.I had an immediate retest to see if it really was healing and the result came back completely healthy. I am aware that in some cases cancer can develop quite rapidly, but I think its also perfectly reasonable that a cervix can heal itself. My doctor had been aware of two other cases where surgery had been refused and the cervixes had healed spontaneously.It generally takes a year or two though.