Hi, you sound rather desperate...I too had the surery done on my right hand and was spposed to have the left one done, well, I have decided not to have the left one done-ever! I have "it" back in my right hand and it is miserable. However, I do not have pain on the outside of my wrist and is all on the inside and down into the thumbs and fingers, with numbness and tingling also. Have you seen an orthopedic doc? Have you had an "EMG" test done?I also have arthritis and broke my wrist several years ago.Do some research about it right here on the "web"...ask around and get a couple of opinions on the problem and then decide what to do. I do know that there is a new procedure they do now (I am 66)that is not supposed to be as invasive as what I had done years ago. Good luck to you.:-)