I have a son age 8yrs, who is autistic. He is high functioning and is being mainstreamed in school, now going into 3rd grade. He has to have an aide to help him when he gets frustrated or doesn't quite understand something. However his academics are right on target, and he can read, write, do math, etc. with a B average. He still tantrums more like a 3-4 yr. old, but more at home than at school(or Sunday school or day camp). He is very quirky and obsesses on unusual, but high-functioning things; such as: the hours of commerce of shops, stores, and restaurants that we frequent, and the names of most(if not all) streets on the varied and many routes that we take throughout our city, just to mention a few of his quirky obsessions. His brother and his brother's friends occasionally tease him and call him "map boy". He is amazing, lovable, hyper, loud, and often very frustrating (and stubborn). The more abstract a concept is the less he fully comprehends and the more frustrated he becomes, but even then he tries! I could go on in great detail, he is dear and and deep a part of me.