Ann borisko
Hi Debbie, The only doctor was Dr. Robbie Robinson at Johns Hopkins. He did my surgery on my shoulder years ago and it has been fine. The rest of my joints are very loose. As you grow older with EDS - the fingers tend to look like knots on them - this is only some of us. Can you believe I was an adult before I found out everyone wasn't like me. The surgery was a Puti Plait -Spelling may be wrong. That is the surgeon took two inches off the tendon and tied it into the shoulder bone. I wish they could tie all my joints together. Dr. Robinson also said a person with EDS get bruising on the inner thighs. I thought he was kidding when he asked to look at my thighs - sure enough right away he said EDS. Also, J.H. has a very good genetics department. Hope this will help your husband.