Has anyone every had their sinus drainage to get so thick that it chokes you and it drain constanly? This is driving me nuts. It comes and goes. Is it allergy relatived? I have had chronic sinus problems since moving into this new mobile home, mostly alot of face pain and sinus infections and ear, but this spring I have had this drainages, give me the headaches any time of day. I have problems where it is so thick of swallowing my food, my food will get caught in the thick drainage. Does anyone have any suggetions? I have tried everyone, nasal sprays(have been on them daily for like six months, could this have caused it?) claritin, salt water, humidifies, robitussin dm, now i am on a antibotic. Doctor seem to think I have a infection, I do have headaches with this too, the drainage has been going on for like three weeks like this. I am getting desperate, this is the worst symptom to have besides asthma.