Have you tried Coenzyme Q10? My vitamin book explains how it can help the failing heart and has even gotten people off the transplant list! They prescribe 120-360 milligrams a day taken in doses of no more than 180 milligrams at a time! It needs to be taken with a bit of oil or fat or chew the tablets with a spoonful of peanut butter! Your dosage is determined by measuring blood levels of coenzyme Q10. Your doctor can order this test by sending your blood to a lab for analysis! Good Luck! Please post a reply to let us know how you are doing! My Husband was just diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy 7 days ago and this is very scary! We are finding out new information everyday! Are you on the Drug Coreg! Our Dr. says it is the best and it can do wonders! Good luck!