Thank you for your prayers. I became pregnant in December of 1999. I contracted CMV within the first trimester, although I didn't know it. Morning sickness and fatigue were all routine in my first pregnancy, so I didn't notice any changes at all. The CMV retarded the growth of the fetus. Our OB/GYN detected it through a series of sonograms that she had taken because of an accident that I was in in April. She sent us to a specialist and he decided that it had to be a viral infection. He induced labor on July 21,2000 and we had a beautiful little girl. 4 days later we found out she had CMV. It affected her liver, kidneys and her brain. She also has lung disease because she was born so prematurely. We have no idea what her development will be because she is just an infant. We also have no idea where this virus came from. She is being treated with ganciclovir, which is administed through a central IV line that is placed in her leg. We've already had one line infection and they are telling me that the line has to stay in for one year, then maybe we can go orally. Ganciclovir is an antiviral. It is used for cancer patients and those who have had blood transfusions, because the CMV is in the blood that they receive. You may want to look into Ganciclovir. You can find out from some web sites that I have found. There are alot of severe sideeffects to this medication, but the good of having her with us is better than the bad of liver disorder and white cell counts going down. Good Luck to you and we wish you the best. God Bless