August 2000, my orthpediac doctor took one look at my MRI and referred me to a spinal cord surgeon. The surgeon has me on celebrix which relieves most of the pain in the neck, but the pain in my right arm and hand is almost constant. The surgeon says the only way to make most of the pain go away is surgery. I'm having a problem accepting this. After hearing about epidural injections, I want to learn more about this procedure. Can anyone give me any details on this procedure? My surgeon says it works for some and others does not & it is a temproray relieve. He is willing to give it a try if that's what I decide. If the injections work, I can have them 3-4 times a year. The pain is almost constant and interferring with my job. I am a single parent with a quadriplegic and no disability insurance. I am very hesitant to have the surgery and even question the injections. Can anyone give me some info.