I am 30 years old and have been getting mouth sores (ulcers) since I was 18 years old. I have been to every specialist. They are not Herpes,viral, or bacterial. I have been tested for everything. I have even burned them off with silver nitrate. The only thing that works is Lidocaine Viscous, for numbing only! Without that I would not be able to eat or talk. My sores look like moon craters, with white in the middle. They usually last a month or more. I know what foods to stay away from. I need to know how to STOP them!!! I do not know if they are a food alergy to sugar or something to do with hormones. I just had a baby and during my pregnancy (9 months, Yeah) I did not get a single mouth sore. Now, the baby is 3 weeks old and I have a mouth full. Please, if anyone can help I would appreciate it. I am tired of doctors saying "How interesting, I have never seen anything like this before." They always say they are going to research for me and get back. I have never had a doctor get back to me. I have probably seen 15-20 different doctors in 3 different states. Sincerely, Still Hoping