You may have a condition called endometriosis in which the uterine lining from the menstrual cyle accummulates on the body's pelvic organs. I know because I had this conditin from age 13 to 50. The ovaries are a common place for endometrosis to form cysts. This cysts are called "chocolate cysts" since they accumuolate the debris from the menses and build up on the ovaries causing pain and sometimes spotting of choclate like spotting between or at the beginning and end of your menstrual cycle. You should contact the Enometriosis Association at endometriosis or call them in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They are the best source of resouce for this disease.They publish a quarterly newsletter about this disease and are your best source of information. You should know that 95% of all ovarian cysts are endometrisosis related. These cysts can be surgically removed but can also regrow. Otherwise they can be treated with medicines; I used Danazol for many years. This is a synthetic testosterone and it worked very well for me and I avoided surgery. Do not take Lupron under any circumstance as the side effects are very severe and this can cause a very bad arthritis. Birth control pills do not cure the disease but can lessen the duration of your periods. I hope this has been helpful.