I to myself have health insurance which I've had for the past 5 years. In oct99 I had a scope on my right knee and It seems that I've been going down hill every since. I would have pain and swelling in both my hand arms and legs and feet.The doctor that did the surgery on my knee finally sent me to a speacialist in oct.00 and I went through a series of test and x-rays and all she has told me is that she can't tell me if I do or don't have lupus. In the beginnig I was scared but as time goes by I feel better when it comes to my fears. I take meds for anti-inflammatory and pain meds but that doen't stop me form waking up from a sound sleep because of a stabbing pain in either of my limbs. I am on total disability and I just sit home I think things would be alot better for me if I knew what was wrong with me. (And I've asked my mothers mother (grandma)and she said that lupus doesn't run in her family. STILL WAITING TO FIND OUT!!!!