Can you help me out with more info on candidas and ditery. especially a dietry rotation advice, so I can see what I'm sencitive. I all ready know what I'm allergic too,from my doctor but he doesn't really give a dietry downlowd for my problem. I suffer so badly with gass and bloation and food hunger- My anger increases and then depression starts-is it food related? which ones? I also like to find out more info on "vitilego" cause it links to my disorder. My glands (throut) have been sore for two months and today it's really buring-My weight has increased (low metablism)and very fatigue and nervous most of the time. Is Candidas effcting all my body and hormones/PMS. What should? Which herbs?What should I ask my docotor to cheack out? I've cheacked my putertiy glands 8 months ago and it was very low but nothing is working help! What is sugar blues?Next week I off to a 10 day Vipassana-Meditation retreat-I'm sure it will help me out. My illness is all coming out on my skin-White spots-Pigmation.I've tried so many creams biut not no really effect. Should I stay away form saunas? I tried fasting but after one day, I'm totaly ready to fall down, heart increases and sweating-also. I must stop now, it's hard to explain over the e-mail when ther is so much to say. Thank-you, Sincerly, Nyna Dove*