The doctor has not ordered surgery for me yet but suspects that it may be necessary. I have been having violent attacks of indigestion, lasting 1-3 days with heavy burping, nausea caused, I think, by eating just a small amount of bacon. I have altered my diet to be consisted of mostly veggies and it has gone into remission (I hope) I have heard that the operation with a laser is very expensive and I am on Medicare and don't know if I would be able to get that type of surgery. My husband had two gallstones removed about 25-30 years ago and was very sick before it happened. Did your gall bladder trouble come about with this type of fore warning? I am female, nearly 61 years old, overweight (100 lbs) and have been diabetic (adult onset) for about 10 years. I would appreciate any response, ideas about diet, et cetera. Thank you. Sylvia