I too, suffered from what I thought was sinusitis, for years. I was forever getting different medicines for treatment. After 10 yrs of sinusitis treatment, the headaches started--they were awful!! They continued to get more frequent and more intense--sometimes leaving me so sick I couldn't lift my head off the pillow, also I was so sick to my stomach. I also had heart palputations at the time I would get the headaches. At first the doctor was treating me for migraine headaches. But after being on the medicine(so many) for 3 months I was still getting headaches. Someone suggested I go to an Allergist, and get tested for allergies--low and behold I found I am allergic to alot of things!! I have been getting shots now for about 8 months and feel so much better!! This may be an avenue you can take if you don't get any satisfaction. Hope all goes well for you and you start feeling better.