I too, suffer from depression. For my first attempt I told my primary doctor about it and he gave me a referral (to mental health in the same building). If I were you, I would read your insurance info and also info on the place where you seek regular medical care. Recently some HMO's have added a toll free number solely for mental health. This toll free line allows you to find a mental health professional in your area or a specific one that you might have in mind. They also provide you with literature in the mail. If you do not have insurance, most cities have a mental health department. Some are free of charge while others charge on a sliding scale (according to your income). To find one of these facilities, go to an internet search engine and type in your city plus "mental health" or "mental health dept." If those search words do not work try "behavioral health." If you still cannot find anything, try your local phone directory. I have been treated off and on for 5 years now...Hope this information helped :) Best of luck.