Elizabeth: I too have run the gammet with this condition...physical therapy, accupuncture, kinesiology, NUCCA, litocane injections, etc., etc.,...I have suffered for 2 years with Piriformis Syndrome. I self diagnosed myself because none of the doctors knew about this. I was doing great up till two weeks ago when I did a machine at the gym that stirred everything up and forced the muscle to grab onto the nerve once again. I was doing so well that I was exercising almost daily and something I never thought I would do, spinning classes. I am now trying a new route through a chiropractor which includes electric stim with heat, ultra sound and massage therapy 3x a week. I am about to go in for an MRI and my doctor has given very specific instructions as to which area he wants photographed. I know that piriformis syndrome does not typically show up on an MRI, however, he wanted to look for any other abnormalities. I am going to bring your information with me when I visit him on Monday. I am going this route for now but I am also keeping another route in mind. There is a physical medicine doctor in NYC who has been doing research on piriformis syndrome for the last 10 years. He takes 5 to 10 new research patients per month. He is getting extremely good results with botox injections into the muscle. He has recently been using a new drug which he is getting even better results called myobloc. He injects into the muscle and this drug forces the muscle to relax and release the nerve. He then has you go through physcial therapy 2x a week. I have written and spoken with this doctor several times. Since I was doing so well, I decided not to go through with this. Now, I am definitely considering it. There are no known side effects. I just wanted to share my information with you and I thank you for your information.