Kelley Loizos
Hi, I was also 27 when I found out about a DVT. I have chronic DVT now and wear the stockings everyday and will for the rest of my life. It sounds like your husband does not have a coagulation problem like me since he developed a hematoma from the heparin and that sounds like good news to me. A hematoma will be absorbed by his body over time and will be painful until it goes away. I know that warm compresses help this happen more quickly but be sure and ask your doctor if this is okay to do. The stockings are to prevent another DVT. My advice is to really stay on top of the chance of another DVT since they are life threatening and wear the stockings until your physician says otherwise. I have had duplex imaging (like a sonogram of the leg) that was negative only to find out I did in fact have another DVT that went undetected. DVT can be dissolved when it is caught early. Mine were not caught in time and turned to scar tissue in the wall of the vien. So if he feels any kind of pain behind the knee, get it checked out immediatly. Don't wait to find out too late or he will be wearing those stockings forever like me. Hope this helps! Kelley