I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1984 when I was 15yrs old. My parents were warned that I would not be able to have Children because of the long term steriod treatments I would be going thru. This informatiopn they failed to bother to share with me. But to every ones surprise, in 1994 I concieved my son. But then in 1997 I lost my second son early term. I delieverd my 3rd child late in 1997 a girl, but this fall lost a another baby girl,late term, to a genetic disorder called Turner Syndrom. They can't directly relate the Crohn's to this but can't rule it out either. Keep trying and Praying, you may concieve, but it isn't always a happy ending. Don't let your Crohn's rule you life, rule you Crohn's! It's not as bad as it first seems. I was very sick when I was diagnosed, and was equaly as scared of what was going to happen to me, and how my life would unfould due to it. But 4 months after my diagnoses my best friend of 6 years was diagnosed with Yewing Sarcoma in the tibia of her right leg. She underwent cemo and radiation for 2 1/2 yrs. I desided Crohn's was not that bad. I could live with my problems, and counted my self luck to have a cronic disease, verses a terminal disease! Remember, your not a Crohn's patient, your a PERSON WITH CROHN's. Life is still good, It's how you choose to live with it. Kathy