Jackie Yerby
I'm sorry to here about your son. My daughter was born with bilateral choanal atresia also; unfortunatly she had a trach for many months. When we had her nose repaired her stents were left in for six weeks. Whith all the research i could find most were left in for this length of time. She has not had to have any revisions thus far. We are post op @ 9 months. Dr. biavati was our e.n.t. in Dallas; we had to travel 360 miles to find a doctor who could help us. Was your son born with any other complications?. Our daughter was born with t.e. fistula as well. Our you'll suctioning the stents frequently?. I know it's very important. If you have any specific questions i would be glad to help you; i know it's hard to find someone who has had this exp. good luck Jackie Yerby