It sounds to me like you are having "anxiety attacks". And it can be a viscious cycle. The more you experience the effects of your the pain, numbness, sleeping difficulties, etc, the more anxiety it produces. You NEED to get some immediate relief with medication from your family doctor or a psychologist. But, that will not be a CURE for your anxiety. You need to talk to a professional and find the cause of your anxiety. This is the only way you can HEAL yourself of it. The symptoms are merely a way of getting your attention to something that is troubling you and causing the anxiety. Medication will help, but not heal you. You need to Dis-Cover the deeper issues that are causing you such anxiety. Nineteen year olds have a lot that can cause anxiety......boyfriends, going off to college or getting a job, friends, family life, peer pressures, family problems. Sometimes, even good things can cause us stress and anxiety, too. It can be a small thing, but nevertheless causes you stress. A professional can help you learn ways to cope with the stresses in your life that are causing you this great anxiety. There are some wonderful, new medications with very few side-effects that can help you as you help your Self. Good luck. Remember, your symptoms are only a Wake-Up call to pay attention to your Self.