I feel very bad for you. My husband also suffers from gout attacks. As long as he stays on his diet and takes MSM crystals in a capsule he does not have attacks and is pain free. It really does work using this combination. Each person is different in what may be causing the uric acid to build up in the blood, and a process of elimination on food and drinks will have to be done in order for you to know what is creating your problem. For my husband it is the following: coffee, alcohol, too much sugar, processed meats and too much red meat, baking powder in baked goods, milk, pop, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, canned foods, frozen foods ( all the additives and salts), and potatoes. Deep fried foods are also a no no for him although once in awhile if he eats something deep fried he can get away without an attack but not a large amount. He eats more raw vegetables to keep his body in an alkaline/acidic balance. When he keeps to his diet he feels good but if he goes off it within a couple of days he starts to feel the pain again.