I had a false positive a few months ago. I had gone to the doctor about some leg pain and he wanted to prescribe a muscle relaxer. He asked if there was a chance I was pregnant and I didn't think there was, although I had missed a couple months of periods. You see, my husband had had a vasectomy about 2 and a half years ago, so I didn't hardly think I would be. Well he did a urine test, just to be sure and it came back positive. He made sure I was sitting down when he told me the result. Well, he sent me to get a blood test to be sure. The next day I found out that I wasn't in fact pregnant. I did some research online, though and found out that false negatives are more prevalent than false positives. I know that that had to be very disappointing for you. I'm sorry. I hope that you will get pregnant soon. I don't know when you posted your message. I was disappointed as well. After the shock of it wore off and I spent a whole evening and morning considering the possibilities that my 2 year old daughter wouldn't be the baby of the family, I was looking forward to the prospect of carrying another little life inside me for a while. Anyway, blessings to you. Momofzacjae