Over the past 3-4 years I have had reappearing spots on my face and no where else on my body. They start out like small blemishes, eventually pitting deep into the skin and leaving a scar. However, the one I have right now has formed a cyst under the skin on my face. I have been diagnosed with everything from a spider bite to facial cellulitus to staph to lupus. I was even tested for Herpes and those results came back negative. The doctors I have been to don't really seem to know what could be causing this. I am taking 1000 mg of Tetracycline everyday for a year but I don't really want these antibiotics to build up in my system any more than they already have. I finally have a dermatologists appt in April (which was made before Thanksgiving) but I am at the breaking point. If anyone knows what this could possibly be please let me know. Thanks to everyone for their time.