Parent of 48yr.old son with Fibromyalgia
Yes, there is much that can be done! Fibromyalgia can be made more tolerable with a drug called Elavil. Don't be alarmed this drug is listed an antidepressant. It also helps pain centers in the brian, which will enable him to get back to living a full life. The other major thing with F. is getting quality sleep, meaning maybe 8-12 hours a night, of deep sleep. This is just a start but in Canada, this is now being taken seriously. I have been doing well after dx about 10 yrs ago. I saw a Rhumeatology Specialist, and they immmediately were able to help. Please let your son know that this is very real, and very easily helped with the right help and understanding of the many ways F affects each person differently. Good Luck, there is hope out there! TR