I was only 22 when I gave birth to my angel with down syndrome. With all the problems she has encountered, I still would not rather have it any other way. She is the joy of my life-well anyway, I could write a book about her, but that is not my point. Woman who are over 35 are at higher risk than other women. The reason for this is unknown. I was one of the "lucky" ones that have a translocated gene causing down syndrome. I really would not worry about it too much, because even a woman over 32 still has only a small chance of conceiving a child w/ DS. There are tests you can have done early in the pregnancy to determine if you are carrying a DS angel. You should contact your OB/GYN of the possibility and chances of it happening. Even so, they are precious children and brings the biggest joy in your heart that you will ever know!!! My daughter has definitely taught me more about love, life, and happiness than I could ever teach her!! Good luck